Barlenon Rhodes and Tucklefor Yin. Legendary names. Myths. The Two. The Returners. The thing to understand is that they were real people once upon a time. Sure they were responsible for The Reunion, but they weren’t predestined to do that. They weren’t some sort of chosen ones. They stumbled into it. Clumsily.

The logs that I’ve collected here tell the story of the beginning of their first return. Not their beginning, not by a long, but beginning enough for now.

If you know enough, or are reckless enough, go ahead and jump into their story. It begins with Cozy and proceeds right to left, bottom to top, old school blog style.  You can also just look for Cozy and keep glancing the next as you finish entry by entry. You could try picking randomly and not caring if it all made sense. That’s what Chang would have liked I suppose. Making sense never mattered much to her. Me? I’d begin with Cozy. Or toss it, maybe start with the glossary. They had their own way of talking that even other survivors didn’t understand.
Now I know this may seem piled, been a long time since anyone needed to care. So just to be forever clear, goes like this:

Glossary, if you want to start there, or just check it from time to time.
1st, Cozy
2nd, Wind
3rd, Night
4th, Sunrise
5th, Plans
6th, Whiskey
7th, Street
8th, Dance

Run along and check it out. Or, if you want the back, I can give you a little. Maybe you know some. Maybe it’s all just blah-blah.

It was in the earliest days of The Renewal, though no one called it that back then.  Back then they only called it The Loss. The Pre and The Post. The apocalypse. That’s when they spoke of it at all, which they didn’t really do very much.

Much of those early days has been lost. The Kainish, of course, rescued the straggling remnants of humanity after their machines nearly wiped us out (Nobody called them Kainish back then either. Aliens. Visitors. Invaders. And my personal favorite, The Tourists). Their nanotech infected us bad and good. Now we mostly just think of the good. Longer lives. Healthier. New forms moving through the worlds. But then, back then, there were horrors. Some of us, we were horrors back in that early. The nice way: It takes time to adjust. The true: I have nothing to say to that.

Mainline humanity had climbed back to a handful of millions by then. Once were billions.

As it goes. Go have a listen to Ontaria Chang in the Cozy.